Saturday, 24 April 2010

artifitial intelligence and justice

Is it possible for us to do anything without thinking? Some times we do some actions as a result of instinct or reflex. We blink if an object suddenly approaches our eyes or grab the railing to prevent a trip over. But situation what is new and not habituated or can be solved by reflex we do an analytical process and reach to a solution. This process can be named ‘thinking’. So thinking is a process to make rational decisions from analysing the data received from the perceived functions. In other words it is an “internal process that uses data or information as input, assimilates that information into previous learned material and that in the end results in either knowledge or nothing.” Thus we can see to call a diction making process ‘thinking’ it requires a controlled processing of data. According to RW Jepson thinking is a human mental process of seeking solution that is opposite to the haphazard, hit or miss, trial and error method common in the rest of the animal world. But in machine we can observe the features of thinking- ‘in put of data’, ‘processing it’ and ‘produce a solution’. And in this twenty first century the massive success in technology presented us an advanced level of ‘artificial intelligence’. This situation brings the question “whether a machine is capable of thinking?” in the forefront of the academic debate. Again if an entity is capable of thinking it is not obvious that it will be ‘conscious’. Consciousness refers to the entity’s awareness of its uniqueness of thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations and environment. So consciousness is

This debate leads us to another question if we can say that the data processing of ‘artificially intelligent entity’ is ‘thinking’ then can we say that these entities are ‘conscious’?

i will finish this article later when i will have some time

1 comment:

  1. i think i have come back to this page after weeks... i am waiting to see what say on it finally.... but u must be too busy. :(
