Saturday, 12 December 2009

Our Future Society

Do you support gayism? Years ago the argument in favour of gayism couldn't manage to hold enough water. But in the resent time the scenario has been changing rapidly. But it is not that their argument is getting stronger. It is because we are changing. Our values are changing. No value is absolute or eternal, we just set them in purpose.
Now many of us can support gayism. Then what’s wrong to support incest? What is wrong if a brother fall in love with his sister? One can put an argument that it may cause terrible consequence of in-breading. OK what then if the brother-sister couple say that they will not have kids (gays don’t expect kids)? Or if science can find some way out?
One day I saw a girl in my class. She was new. She was really beautiful and I to be honest felt a strong desire for her. But I never saw her after that day. Actually she was not from our class (that I revealed afterwards). After few months, one fine morning one couple moved in the house where I was living. To my surprise it was that girl! As time passed by I grew a very close friendship with the couple. I saw their love from a close distance. I saw their love for one another respect for one another. Their love for one another won my respect. To be true the first day when I felt attraction for the girl it was just an attraction. But now I can say I love her. But I don’t feel any sexual desire to her.
Why? The explanation is very simple. I love her so I respect her so I respect her relation. So I protect her relation. We, like many other animals respect relations and try to protect them and thus we managed to build and protect a very sophisticated society.
So we probably should put a line some where. Again we have been pushing the line gradually. We already pushed it far away from where it was in the beginning. We are able to push it further. So, can we imagine a well functioning society where son and mother start a new family and the father becomes a family friend?

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